
TurboDraft 2 ½ “ Compact Fire Eductor



Model TD-25

Fire departments are always in need of creative solutions to handle a multitude of emergency situations.  The TurboDraft 2 ½” eductor is designed to assist rural and wildland firefighters in accessing static water sources outside the reach of traditional drafting techniques.  Furthermore, the Model TD-25 is a valuable piece of equipment for dewatering operations during flood emergencies.

The 2 ½” TurboDraft is easy to deploy in emergency flood situations such as dewatering basements, truck docks, below grade vaults, and tanks as well as marine vessels.

The unit’s light weight and compact size, combined with the ability to outfit the eductor with a variety of strainer configurations makes the Model TD-25 a versatile emergency service tool.  The unit requires a standard 1 ½” coupled hose line delivering approximately 70 gpm at 150 psi.  This flow rate creates the Venturi effect; educting over three times this volume as the usable fire flow or dewatering amount.  Fitted with a standard barrel strainer, the unit weighs only 22 pounds.

TurboDraft Compact – Brochure